My Github YAML Editor Micro Tool Base

This is a base prototype for managing the contents of the _data/store.yaml file using a 100% client side application. This page is listed using Jekyll and the YAML file stored in the project's Github repository, but you can also manage the file using the editor.

XYJ123 Product One This is the description for product one. 19.99
XYJ234 Product Two This is the description for product two. 19.99
XYJ456 Product Three This is the description for product three. - test 19.99
XYJ789 Product Four This is the description for product four. 19.99
XYH123 Product Five This is the description for product five. -test 19.96

The prototype is meant to demonstrate what is possible when it comes to developing client-side applications that run entirely on Github. There are other ways of handling the OAuth using or other service, but using a Github Personal Access Token helps keep this standalone, and self-contained.

If you have any questions, you can submit a Github issue for the project, or hit me up on Twitter.